Oakfield Terrace Update: October 2023

We’ve continued to push on behind the scenes with great progress on Oakfield Terrace, meeting fortnightly with our project team and partners to ensure we keep moving forward with momentum to deliver on our promise to our community.

We’re working through the final legal and design processes - dotting the i's and crossing the t’s, so make sure all the vital preparation work is in place to hopefully be able to confirm a date to start on site by the end of the year.

A key element of our design for Oakfield Terrace, developed through a participatory process with local residents, is making sure the refurbished homes and business spaces we provide are warm, affordable and energy efficient.

We’ll do this through a process known as whole house retrofit, which will include inputting measures like insulation and ground source heat pumps to increase energy efficiency and therefore reduce running costs for residents.

We’re committed to making sure these energy efficiency measures stay at the core of our design, despite cost increases and pressured timelines.

But it doesn’t stop with Oakfield Terrace. Our Cosy Homes project has the ambition to offer whole house retrofit to every home in the neighbourhood, without leaving anyone behind! It’s a big dream, and we need your help. Find out more about how to get involved in the Cosy Homes Club here.


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Opportunities with our Cosy Homes Club