New Introductions

My last year was a pretty pivotal time for me.
I'd just become unemployed, after four years working behind the counter of a video games store, and I was looking for a fresh start.
Little did I know 'fresh' meant literally that – loaves of fresh bread baking away in the ovens, while friendly faces come by every day for their much-loved, famous Homebaked pies, with fresh ingredients.
After working in strict retail for many years before, leaping right into something completely new and different was just the boost I had been looking for.

Before working at Homebaked, I was doing the usual thing people do when they're unemployed, I suppose. The obvious looking for work, and then another one, which is done quite subtly – soaking in information from various forms of media, reading books, watching TV, going to the movies.
At heart, I'm a very creative person, and my 'time off', if you like, gave me the chance to rekindle my love of writing and of art.
I realised after a couple of weeks of doing this that my next career move would have to be one which would fit in nicely with this new, very productive lifestyle. I also knew I wanted a change from basic shop work.
Homebaked matched these ideals just like a cup of tea is perfectly matched with a slice of cake.

I heard about Homebaked first through the job advertisement, and straight away I knew I'd feel at home there. For one, I live the proverbial stone's throw away from the bakery, so transport wouldn't be an issue. Also, the bakery is somewhere that was already close to my heart.
Having lived in Anfield all my life, the building is one that is very familiar to me. I used to go to Mitchell's Bakery after school to grab a cat-shaped meringue before doing my homework.
Everything about it just felt right.

I am beyond thankful that I was given the opportunity to work at Homebaked. Never before have I felt so at home and so happy to be in a role, nor have I known such friendly staff and volunteers.
I had the tiniest of doubts at first, having never worked at a cafe before, but I was very quickly made to feel like part of the family, and discovered that being at Homebaked means you learn as you go on. That's just how we do things here. Everybody has their place and importance, and, if something is difficult, there's always somebody else to turn to, or someone who you can impart your own advice to.
It's not just the staff and volunteers who see results – Homebaked is a Social Enterprise, meaning everything we do goes back into benefiting the community.

As somebody who has seen Anfield's unfortunate decline in the past six years, it's truly wonderful to see it on the up again, thanks to places like Homebaked and the incredible community we've built up, and will continue to build up – piece by piece.
Right now, we're a bit of a diamond in the rough, but the proof really is in the pudding. If we all carry on working hard together, Anfield will thrive once again.
Places like Homebaked really do benefit the community. Whether its providing fresh bread and produce to our loyal local customers, to giving tourists and football fans somewhere unique and inviting to visit when in Anfield, or, from a personal point of view, presenting somebody with a fantastic new chapter in their life.

I'm excited to be on board with this new chapter in my time at Homebaked, as your blog writer. It's an honour, and I'll be sharing more of my own personal story in future posts. I'll also be writing about Anfield's community in general, and talking about what it was like to grow up here, and see it change - hopefully now, for the better!
If there is anything you would like to see me cover, do not hesitate to get in touch. We at Homebaked are always open to ideas and creative collaborations!


Happy Pi(e) Day!


Finding an Architect - Second Stage