Meet the people behind #gettingtheterracedone - part 13

The latest in our series, 'Meet the CLT', features CLT member (& local councillor) Ann O'Byrne: here's Ann in her own words...

"I was born in the south of the city but at an early age we moved out to Kirkby, as our homes in Lodge Lane were being demolished. Every weekend we visited our Nana and Papa in Handel Street and I remember being sent to the bakers to pick up dough that my Nana could cook at home. There was always a queue at the bakery which meant that while you were waiting you could look at the cakes, pies and bread in the window. The smell of fresh bread still takes me back to those times.
I moved to Walton in 1991 to raise my children, Rachael and Christopher. Throughout the 1990s we saw the decline of our local high street, Rice Lane, and high streets across North Liverpool. It made me so sad and angry, and eventually my children asked me what I was going to do about it. I got more active in our community and became a Councillor in 2007.
In 2012, I set up the Council's Anfield Project, bringing together community and residents' groups, housing associations, local businesses, and cultural organisations like the Liverpool Biennial. I also worked with the CLT and Council Officers to see how we could buy the bakery and later the row of houses on behalf of the CLT.
It took us a few years to sort out all the legal processes, but eventually we got there! The bakery was operating, the rooms upstairs were transformed into a flat and then finally plans for the terrace began to take shape!
So, we have come full circle, with a lovely community bakery back in Anfield. North Liverpool has been through a lot over the last few decades, but it's coming back, stronger than ever. Homebaked CLT has been a huge part of this process, and I'm so proud and privileged to have been involved, especially being asked to join as a member."



Meet the people behind #gettingtheterracedone - part 15


Meet the people behind #gettingtheterracedone - part 12