Meet the people behind #gettingtheterracedone - part 12

Today in our series 'Meet the CLT Board', Kate Ellison explains why she became involved and her excitement for #gettingtheterracedone.

"I grew up in Anfield, living in Granton Road and Oakfield as a kid and buying my first house in St. Davids Road as an adult. My nan lived in Venmore Street and I was often sent 'on messages' to Mitchell's bakery for bread - and allowed to keep the change for a pack of football stickers from Bob Newshams. I loved growing up in Anfield, but I have also experienced firsthand it being 'done to' and the impact this had on the area and its communities.
I was a frequent visitor to Homebaked bakery but learnt about the work of the CLT through a friend - and was really keen to get involved. As my day job is in housing development it made perfect sense for me to get involved in the terrace project.
I have loved working with the CLT to develop the proposals. The vision and ambition of the group and its 'can do' attitude is inspiring and I feel proud to be part of what we are creating! The proposals have been driven by consultation with the community - and the need to address fuel poverty and create truly affordable quality homes were identified as key drivers. The project will not only see the creation of 8 quality homes but a number of business spaces that will breathe life into this part of Oakfield Road. The terrace embodies everything we are about as an organization and is only the start of our vision for Oakfield Road!"



Meet the people behind #gettingtheterracedone - part 13


Meet the people behind #gettingtheterracedone - part 11