HomeSquare, Home Rules

Hi, Welcome to HomeSquare,

This public space was designed by members of the community and commissioned by Homebaked CLT - a community-led housing and enterprise scheme born as a way to develop our High Street together. It was built by us, the Homebaked trainees (Leanne, Bradley, and David) with the help of many volunteers.

To be honest, when we first took on this space we found a lot of dog shit. On the first day, Bradley went home with poo up his trouser leg which took 5 washes to get out.

But we saw beyond that, and the community drew up some pretty snazzy plans (thank you those who led that work) to turn this into a beautiful pocket park, with spaces to gather and spend time in or grow, sing, bring your kids to, and have fun in. A nice place to spend a quiet moment in the middle of a busy day. Whatever you want it to be.

We've painted the container, built a space to sit on, some nice planters to grow things in, made a workshop, decking and a little house.

We want you to love using this area as much as we've loved making it for you, and use it in whatever way you want really. But we'd also like it to remain a nice place to go long after we've finished putting the last nail in the decking and so here's a few things you might consider as you use it:

- Please use this space to drink and eat together - but please take your rubbish with you when you leave.

- Play your music. Bring a guitar. But please respect the neighbours and keep the noise down. If they can hear it in the bakery kitchen then its definitely too loud.

- Respect the plants - they were planted by Sylvia, Sam and a few other people that live around here. Nice aren't they? Good work, Sylvia, Sam and the other people that live around here.

- This is not a place to spend the night, but do feel free and have a nap, meditate and make yourself at home.

- Drugs are for mugs (keep them off HomeSquare - there might be a kids party here tomorrow and the last thing that the clown that they've hired wants to do is pick up your roaches before he starts making the balloon animals.)

- No pooing or pissing, please. Humans and dogs. We can't realistically stop squirrels or cats doing their business on the grass, but please report a human dressed as a squirrel or a cat doing it.


Leanne (Monkey), David (Ginge) and Bradley (Hench)

Text is taken from the HomeSquare opening poster




Bradley's guide to repointing a chimney breast