Bradley's guide to repointing a chimney breast

Kit list:

- FFP3 mask (dust)
- A couple of buckets
- Brick acid
- Hand brushes (x3) and a long house brush
- Grinder
- Thick cutting disk, mortar rake and steel wire wheel for grinder.
- Chemical suit and APEK1P3 mask
- Yellow sand
- Bag of cement
- Trowel and hawk
- Arthur

And this is how you do it:

1. Get the thick cutting disk, mortar rake and a steel wire wheel ready for the grinder
2. Using the thick cutting disk, cut into the mortar about half an inch. If it's old it'll fall out in chunks
3. Use mortar rake to get bits off that are stuck.
4. Use the wire wheel to take the thinnest layer of mortar and date off
5. Brush the excess mortar off
6. Acid wash - someone needs to dress up in a full chemical suit (Paul) and mark. Mix the brick acid with water. Use the long house brush to get it over the wall. Leave it on for 2 hours and then wash it off with water again with a hand brush.
7. Mix one part cement with 4 parts sand. Add water until it's thick enough so that it doesn't fall off your trowel. Put mixture on Hawk. Scoop mortar off with the back of trowel and fill the gaps.
8. Perps first and then the beds. (small lengths and long lengths). Do the front of breast first and then do the side once that's dry.
9. Hand brush when it's damp to smooth it off.
10. Stand back and admire your work. You've just repointed a wall.

Cheers Arthur.


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