Building with Communities Conference

Last week Andrew, Rachael B and Tom from the Homebaked CLT team headed to London for the National CLT Network’s annual conference, this year titled ‘Building with Communities’.

The National CLT Network is set up to strengthen and champion Community Land Trusts across the country and, as a member of the National CLT Network, they have provided support for us over the years including sharing advice, guidance and inspiration, and this years conference was no exception.

There were a range of brilliant speakers, discussions and participatory sessions exploring how the shared priorities and ambitions of communities and the private and public sectors can be delivered through CLTs. Rachael B attended a session about sustainable retrofit, supporting the approach of her work with our Cosy Homes Club. Another highlight was the session on urban renewal, with Liverpool’s former mayor Joanne Anderson, which explored the role CLTs play in ensuring local communities involvement in weaving the social fabric of development, connecting people, resources and organisations to create thriving neighbourhoods.

As it was the first in person National CLT Network conference since the pandemic, it was great to connect with collaborators and supporters in the flesh, and to make new connections, too.

If you want to find out more about the National CLT Network, and want to champion the benefits of CLTs their new manifesto is worth a read.


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