A Homebaked Summer Fair

Let’s walk through a Homebaked CLT Fair. Coming around Little Oakfield you are greeted by a Homebaked CLT banner created by Liverpool legend Peter Carney; he made this particular one with attendees of a previous market. It spins in the wind as you observe the colourful gazebos, lent to us by friends of the CLT, Granby Market. There’s a pale gazebo with two fellas from the BNENC Breckfield Centre sat underneath, talking to people about their bikes and how to keep active in the area. Staff from the Asda on Breck Road are handing out free fruit and, next to them, the lads from Liverpool Zest are offering tasters of their home made limoncello. There’s a queue of kids deciding how to have their faces painted whilst those with cheeks already adorned with butterflies are playing in the Moona sensory play tent, making maracas and painting rocket ships that’ll blast off into space when they get home.

We enter All Saints Parish Centre and, walking along the corridor, see painted paper lanterns and banners hanging from the roof, a greeting exploding with creativity. These paper lanterns were created by Year 4 students at All Saints Primary School. As part of my creative engagement role, I visited the school over 3 sessions to discuss the function of a fair in a community setting. We painted paper lanterns to act as decoration to the hallways, created posters to advertise and friendship bracelets to hand out to those at the fair for free. 

Entering the main room, a mongoose, skunk and tortoise are being introduced to curious kids as parents take photos of the wide eyed amazement of their children holding and interacting with these exotic animals. In the background, the sounds of an Irish jam session welcomes us, kids running in front of them to show off the new dance they’ve been practising just for this occasion. 

To the left, our pop-up cafe is open for a cheap brew and, a special one off, hot dogs. The hot dogs go down a treat as people are leaving with two or three to hand. Jan and Helen, regular volunteers with Homebaked CLT share laughs with their neighbours who have popped in to say hello and giggles with new friends they’ve just met. 

Banners are hung around the room, proclaiming “Cherish The Terrace” and “Live, Work, Share, Care”, as families sit around tables having some scran. Local makers are selling their wares, and customers bustle through the traders, bags gradually filling with gifts, cake, cards, hot sauce, limoncello, and other items - all hand crafted in the local area. 

A community table filled with posters and flyers for local events proudly presents the unity of Anfield, everyone doing their bit to bring joy to the area. Next to these stacks of information sit a pile of free Lush bath bombs, kindly donated by the city centre shop. Anthony from the Anfield People’s Cinema is making badges for people to proudly wear as he gives them the heads up about their first ever screening taking place at Kitty’s Laundrette later on in the week. Tom from the Cosy Homes Club is creating paper houses and asking what people want in a cosy home whilst Rachael from the Neighbourhood as an Incubator programme chats to people with dreams to start their own local business.

As the day draws to an end, friends wave goodbye and thank the team for their help. Committed volunteers Nam, Abbie and Naomi start collapsing tables, stacking them alongside the sodden gazebos drenched by the surprise torrential rain half way through the day. Elli who has spent the day hosting the Moona play tent thanks supportive volunteer Char for her help during the day and leaves with a bath bomb or two for her mum. Helen and Jan walk home together, gossiping about the day as trader Dolah packs away her empty boxes while her kids run around the now clear space, playing newly made games with constantly shifting rules. 

As the shutters close on the Parish Centre, I take a stand back to watch. The end of the day. 

We host community fairs four times a year. We’d love you to get involved, either as a volunteer, trader, or visitor. 

Email us on info@homebaked.org.uk for more information, or pop the upcoming dates in your diary!

Halloween Fair - Saturday 26th October 2024

Festive Fair - Sunday 1st December 2024

Spring Fair - Saturday 22nd March 2025


Oakfield Terrace Open Meeting


Building with Communities Conference