We Never Walk Alone

I think everyone in Liverpool has been affected by Hillsborough, one way or another. Everyone has a connection in some way, whether they were there, knew someone who was, or tragically lost somebody they held dear.
My dad and my sister were both there that day in '89. Thankfully, they returned home safely, and they have been very loyal to the memory of the 96 since, and for their justice too. We were so, so lucky, yet so many families weren't.

We remember them all today - the 96, and their loved ones left behind. But it isn't a day all about sadness, it's also a day of fond memories, of friendship, family, love and above all, hope.



At Homebaked today, we were serving free tea and coffee to those who went to the service.
Despite it being the anniversary of such a tragic, awful event, the bakery was filled with such a wonderful atmosphere today - from when we opened the doors, to closing, a little later this time, on account of the service.

So many friendly faces, regulars and newcomers, all here together to pay their respects to the 96.


It was a bittersweet feeling. As I've said already on twitter, it was a privilege to be working today, and a real pleasure to be there to help in whatever way I could. It was lovely to meet you all, and to see our community at its very finest.


We were also collecting donations for the Justice Campaign, and we are absolutely floored by your generosity. We'll be sure to update you on when the donation, as well.

I really do feel like today's events are a true testament to this community, and to the city of Liverpool in general. People coming together as that "golden sky" we all know of in the song.

Remembrance and respect always to the 96, peace and hope to their families, and thank you for the wonderful spirit of our collective Liverpool Family.
We Never Walk Alone, indeed.


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