We are here to stay - a performative conversation

Marking a crucial moment in the story of Homebaked we performed a talk show format as part of a Liverpool Biennial Future City event.

From introductory text by Britt Jurgensen and Jeanne van Heeswijk:

“For me, that evening was Homebaked at its best. While we were telling each other the story, picking out particular catalysing events, individual contributions and key encounters, giving personal anecdotes and describing each moment from our very personal and very different perspectives, a clear narrative arc evolved – one driven by our values, needs and urgencies, that although made up out of so many little parts, made perfect sense as a whole.”

The story ended in the present of that particular day with someone telling the very last chapter. This resulted in a new development that not many in the room had heard until then.


Liverpool Biennial Stages: Homebaked – A perfect recipe


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