Power to Change: Filming

We were very happy to have Charlotte Cassedanne and her film crew from Power to Change at the bakery last Thursday.
They were in to film a little "behind the scenes" footage of us making pies, and to do a few interviews, regarding the Power to Change grant we've been awarded.


I spoke to them about how I came to the bakery as a cafe assistant, and how I am now working on other projects here, such as this blog. I also spoke about a typical day at Homebaked (spoiler: there are no "typical" days!), and how wonderful I believe social enterprises are for the community.

John was also interviewed about his role as treasurer, and his current involvement here at the bakery, as well as talk of our famous busy match days and pies.

We also got a few team photos, and overall, it was a very buzzy, busy day at the bakery!

Thanks again for popping in, Charlotte and Power to Change!


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InTransit publication