Meet the people behind #gettingtheterracedone - part 9

Meet Leigh Crockett, one of our CLT board members - and a local resident for decades - working on #gettingtheterracedone:

"I grew up in Anfield as a teenager in the early seventies and have lived here for nearly fifty years. My kids and granddaughter went and still go to Anfield Road Primary School; they have bought their first homes here and so are continuing the investment within the local area.
I retired from work in 2017 after spending thirty years working in the social housing sector - lastly with Liverpool Housing Trust as a finance manager. Since leaving LHT, I have been on the board of Halton Credit Union and I can say they do some amazing work. I have also been a governor at Anfield Road Primary School for over twenty years and, believe it or not, still LOVE it!
I joined Homebaked CLT a couple of years ago (seems a lifetime away now!) in order to help the community and environment start fulfilling its potential."



Meet the people behind #gettingtheterracedone - part 10


Meet the people behind #gettingtheterracedone - part 8