Meet the people behind #gettingtheterracedone - part 7

Introducing the CLT! Meet Tom Murphy, one of our brilliant members who are #gettingtheterracedone.

"I've lived in Anfield all my life. It's where I went to school and it's where I have chosen to bring my family up. Like all areas, it has its good bits and bad bits. I like living here because of the people, and now there is loads of good stuff going on.
I got involved in Homebaked CLT a couple of years ago through a colleague. I always thought it was just the Bakery from walking past, but it was great to find out about the CLT's vision and passion for community ownership. I've worked in Liverpool's third sector for 12 years, working with individuals and communities to address their challenges so know the power of community-led organisations. I believe that we have a real opportunity to make Anfield an even better place to live and work, and would love to see people who have moved away, to move back.
I was member of the Core Design Team who worked with other local residents and our architect to create the plans for the terrace. As a Grand Designs fan; I was made up to learn about the different aspects of the design process. We looked at different heating and energy options and the Team decided to 'go green' as this was the best route to address fuel poverty, by making the homes affordable to live in.
The future of Homebaked CLT is exciting as there is so much potential. We are an alternative, community-led solution to creating quality homes and spaces for community businesses. We have big ambitions for the rest of Oakfield Road to be a thriving high street, but for now we remain focused on #gettingtheterracedone."



Meet the people behind #gettingtheterracedone - part 8


Meet the people behind #gettingtheterracedone - part 6