Meet the people behind #gettingtheterracedone - part 5

Meet the CLT members #gettingtheterracedone - part five. This week's spotlight is on Peter Carney, in his own words...

"My name's Peter Carney. I'm a Homebaked hactivist, a member of the Community Land Trust & a regular patron of the bakery shop. Shankly is my favourite pie/inspirational person and tea is my tipple, weak with a little milk & a sprinkling (three sachets in a takeaway cup) of sugar. The large white tin, medium cut, is the best bread ever baked, but the stoneground brown, cut thick & toasted, isn't far behind.
In real life, I'm married to Tina; we have a son, Thomas, & live near Walton Vale. I'm a carer & support worker, run a minibus tour called Soccer in The City & make banners - mostly for football and particularly Liverpool FC. On a match-day my office floats from the steps between the cafe & the kitchen & the space in front of the steps. On a good day weather-wise, I like to sit at a table & chair outside the Oakfield Road windows.
In my spare time, I like to sleep: memory foam mattress, two hard pillows & a 12 tog quilt (18 in winter).
Homebaked has been part of my life since it was Mitchell's bakery & I've been involved in a number of initiatives in recent years, usually community &/or artistic activities &/or performance projects.
I'm especially excited by the terrace development because I consider it to be the pinnacle of Homebaked's growth, ethos & worth. The terrace is an opportunity to put into action the value of improving local life by instigating local activity.
For me, this value goes back to - & literally builds on - a time when the local quarry was closed (in the space behind Homebaked) & it's vacant, worthless space was dedicated to improve the lives of local people.
I hope the Homebaked terrace will improve housing standards in its living style & its management manner. I hope it will be creative & innovative in its community context & I hope it will act as an inspiration that moves & motivates others to improve their own circumstances."



Meet the people behind #gettingtheterracedone - part 6


Meet the people behind #gettingtheterracedone - part 4