Homebaked Community Land Trust is recruiting

Role: Development and Project Manager

Homebaked Community Land Trust (CLT)

Fixed term: 1 year (re-negotiable)

Part time: 10 hours per week, 25 per hour (flexible, with potential to grow)
Based at Homebaked, 197-199 Oakfield Road, Anfield, Liverpool L4 0UF

This role is for someone passionate about community-led development with exceptional organisational development and fundraising skills,
who's seeking a new challenge to work with a diverse group of people to realise an ambitious community-led vision for their neighbourhood.

To apply for the role, please send your CV, letter of application and references to Paul.1.kelly@btinternet.com by Sunday 10th December 2017.

Background and Application:

Located just opposite Liverpool Football Club, Homebaked Community Land Trust (CLT) was established in 2012 as a way of collectively confronting the challenging issues of economic decline and housing demolition facing our neighbourhood and our city. Homebaked is one of the first urban CLTs in the UK and distinctive in being about more than just housing. We work closely with Homebaked co-op bakery as our tenant and partner in a wider programme of neighbourhood revitalisation. We are currently putting the finishing touches on our first homes, a four bedroom shared housing scheme above the bakery, renovated through the work of local young people on our apprenticeship programme. We are creating the neighbourhood's first new public space in decades, HomeSquare, for use by local residents, and putting together an exciting programme of cultural events. This is just the start of a collective journey we have initiated with a diverse range of people from across the area and beyond.

Our vision is for a healthy and vibrant neighbourhood, with a thriving local economy and co-designed housing and revitalised public spaces that are owned and managed by the community. We see Homebaked CLT as the catalyst for that vision – acting as a steward of common land and assets; an anchor for sustainable economic development; a hub for social activities and support; and a platform for enabling residents to communicate with each other, experiment with new ideas and govern their neighbourhood collectively.

Participation, art and wellbeing have always been the unifying threads running through our approach. Homebaked began as a participatory arts project in the 2010 Liverpool Biennial called 2Up2Down, which invited local young people to reimagine terraced housing, beginning with the simple question: what does it mean to live well? Our work is based on the simple belief that we all deserve to live well. For us that means good jobs, secure homes, great food and beautiful public spaces to meet, create, share stories, learn and celebrate together.

Purpose of the role
We are now looking for a Development and Project Manager to help us take the next step forward in our journey, as we seek to reimagine and redevelop the larger terraced site adjoining the bakery into affordable, community-owned housing and incubation space for social entrepreneurs and community businesses, as well as make new plans further afield.

We need someone with the vision and aptitude for organisational development, who can work with us to develop our wider strategy and business plan for future development; someone who can help us translate that plan into reality and match the needs and aspirations of the people who live and work here.

The role will involve developing a fully-costed programme of future capital build projects and securing the funding required to deliver them. It will not initially or necessarily entail the management and delivery of these projects, but could potentially evolve into this next stage if the role proves successful.

The purpose of the role will be to work up a strategic business plan for the next phases(s) of development in close collaboration with the community-led Board of Directors, who you will report to, and also our Community Engagement Officer, who promotes participatory co-production throughout all our projects and activities.


The role falls broadly into two areas:

Organisational Development and Project Management:

Work with the Board to develop and deliver a business plan that reflects our vision.
Review all existing vision statements, business plans, annual reports and other documents and translate them into a single development plan to be approved by the Board.
Develop a full-costed programme of capital projects in consultation with the Board and community.
Work closely with the Community Engagement Officer to embed principles and practices of co-production and community participation throughout the development programme.
Provide information to the Board to monitor progress and make informed decisions, and support and facilitate Board meetings and good governance objectives.

Finance and fundraising:

Identify resource, partnership and investment opportunities.
Review CLT finances and identify new revenue streams.
Make applications for revenue and capital funding as necessary.
Work with the Treasurer to manage the overall CLT budget and individual project budgets and ensure appropriate records are maintained.
Work with the Treasurer to set and monitor financial objectives, prepare and run the organisation's annual budget and project budgets, monitor expenditure and variances, and initiate corrective actions.

Experience, Skills and Aptitudes:

We are looking for someone with exceptional organisational development, fundraising and business planning skills alongside a passionate commitment and keen interest in working with grassroots groups in one of the most innovative community-led projects in the UK. We are looking for someone who 'gets it' – who sees the value of what we are trying to achieve and can turn the aspirations of a community into a physical reality and involve us all along the way.

Homebaked CLT is at a critical juncture in its development and we need to pursue opportunities for new funding streams and capital and revenue grants to move the project forward. We are looking for someone who has proven experience in obtaining government and philanthropic grants, developing alternative fundraising programmes, such as crowd-funding and community shares, as well as other revenue streams. We invite candidates with an entrepreneurial flair in securing income and raising funds.

The role is there for you to shape. Any extensions to the working hours, pay and length of contract will be partly dependent on your ability to secure the future financial sustainability of Homebaked. We hope that it will develop into a more long-term role and for you to become an indispensable member of the CLT team. We envisage you will be able to grow and shape the role as Homebaked itself develops – having always evolved organically from the grassroots through the vision and commitment of passionate people.

Essential attributes:

Fundraising and financial management skills;
Organisational development and business planning skills;
A proven self-starter, who takes the initiative and can grow an organisation;
An ability to think innovatively, strategically and operationally;
An engaging communicator, able to demonstrate an ability to get on with a wide variety of people;
Good writing and presentation skills;
Educated to degree level or equivalent post education experience;
An understanding of the needs, frustrations and aspirations of the Anfield area.

Desirable attributes:

A background in development project management, housing, regeneration or social action;
An understanding of how communities, creativity and art play a role in regeneration;
An interest in mutual, collaborative, community-led and co-operative models of ownership and development;
An ability to think both 'outside the box' and 'on your feet';
Excitement about getting stuck into a challenging community development project.

Application process

To apply for the role, please send your CV, letter of application and references to Paul.1.kelly@btinternet.com by Sunday 10th December 2017.

We would ideally like the role to begin in early 2018, with interviews to be held before Christmas, in the weeks commencing 11th and 18th December. Please state your availability for interview in your letter of application.

You should explain what interests you about the role, why you are the best person for the job, and how your skills and experience will help us deliver our vision, with direct reference to the role attributes.

For more info about Homebaked, please visit our website: http://www.homebaked.org.uk/



Welcome to HomeSquare


Volunteer weekends on HomeSquare