Building on our Design: an evening with Hemingway Design

On the 19th of January, we hosted an evening with Hemingway Design at Homebaked.
Hemingway Design are, quoted from their website, "a multi-disciplinary team, our diverse and high-profile client list reflects the strength of talent behind HemingwayDesign. Over 30 years' experience has seen us collaborate with the likes of Sainsbury's, John Lewis, Coca-Cola, The National Trust, B&Q, eBay and Royal Mail, to name a few."
Heading the evening was Wayne Hemingway.




He talked us through work that had been done in Blackpool, another place that has played victim to a "blight". Though what had been put in place in Blackpool works for there, there was some debate regarding whether it would work in Anfield. Painted playgrounds and outdoor barbeques are great ideas, but would they suit Anfield's population?


There was debate in the room throughout the evening, in fact, which made it clear that some of the residents of Anfield who have been moved out of their homes still feel the sting of it all. It's understandable, and though there were many different opinions throughout the night, we at Homebaked are sympathetic and remain true to our original ideal - we want what's best for the community. And, the "community" in question is the people of Anfield.




It's a personal project to me. As many of you know, I've lived in Anfield all my life and I was directly affected by the regeneration project. I lived at Lothair Road, which is where you can now see the construction work for Liverpool FC's new stand going on. It was a long and exhausting period covering many years in between hearing about the regeneration and eventually being moved to a different part of Anfield (the new estate), and yes, it was upsetting and infuriating, but I personally try my best to be an optimist.
Because of projects like Homebaked, people such as myself, who are keen on bringing Anfield back up to its "glory days" again, can become involved in a more intimate way than sending emails, making phone calls, or, even attending meetings.


While the debate during the night did become quite intense at times, showing that there is still some animosity floating around regarding the whole thing, I think it also showed the residents tenacity and determination.




Again, I'd like to stress, if you're a resident, or used to live around us in Anfield and Everton, or are someone who simply has an interest in the area and what we're going to achieve, please do come along to the various meetings and workshops we run at Homebaked about the future. You are more than welcome and your opinions are not only valid, but needed and wanted!


InTransit publication


Inspirational Architecture: A Walking Tour & Workshop