Brick by Brick, Loaf by Loaf, Seed by Seed.

It was unfortunate to see such grand houses look so bleak and decrepit. It seemed like a great opportunity for us to do something positive to show us as a community in a positive light. Britt Jurgensen, Andrew Beattie and myself had planned to make some posters to go on the windows of the un-occupied Victorian terraces attached to the bakery. I had put together a selection of images of Homebaked's volunteers and staff. Thankfully we found enough willing volunteers to have their portrait visible to passers-by.

The day was set fair, thankfully the weather held off and with a gang of enthusiastic helpers we set out to paste some pictures of our beloved members. I came with a roll of printed images of photos, all taken by the photographer and baker Mark Loudon. We had very little experience of doing this kind of thing but we were all up for a challenge.


We tested out the glue.


Then checked if it sticks.


Here is me setting up the table outside.


Our first task was to scrape the signs off the metal panels on the windows. Here's Sylvie doing it with her overalls on, much better prepared than myself.


I got Miriam to do some final measurements before the posters went up. The most difficult part was the pasting itself. I had to find the right consistency of glue and water, and also an appropriate colour to go with it. The previous day I had cropped digi


Here's Britt barking orders at me. She made sure everything ran as smoothly and efficiently as possible and that everyone had to have a job.


The first to go up was our text 'seed by seed'. It was Britt's idea to use words that defined the bakery's function but also its inherent necessity for the community. The pictures are fundamentally about communication, expressing a feeling of bein


Here we are putting up image of Jimmy, a lifelong red. I decided to give it a blue tint . . . hindsight is such a wonderful thing.


Miriam and Sylvie are not amused when I manage to splash everyone with paste.


One of our favourite volunteers Fred who sadly past away in 2014 was given his own window. Fond memories.


The two boys Darren and Leon turned up later on in the day. Here's Leon washing off the excess paint


Sue Humphreys


Finished, finally after a good day in the sun the posters are up!


Off to 'The Big Smoke'


Making the Home in Homebaked - be our first tenant!