Bread and Houses – Kenn Taylor on The Anfield Home Tour

“In the hierarchy of needs in austere times in deprived areas, art may come pretty low, but if art can help regain food and shelter, pride and spirit, then it has a purpose both practical and ephemeral. This was a story that could have been complex, technical, dull and aggressively ideological; instead it has been brilliantly reduced to its actual simplicity: what has been done to a community, and what needs to be done to repair the damage. Its message is simple, and one we should all have learned long ago: The people who know what is best for communities are communities themselves and they are the only people who can truly regenerate an area.”

Read Ken Taylor’s review of The Anfield Home Tour, published in The Guardian in October 2012 via The Guardian or


The Anfield Home Tour wins Liverpool Post Arts Award