A (Belated) Happy New Year!

Hello, all.
I apologise for the lack of updates to the blog - I mean, the last one was last year!
(Terrible joke. I apologise for that too.)


It's true though, it's been a while, and that's partially down to the fact we've had so much going on!

For a start, the new year has brought new matches, and the season's kicked off well and truly - we've had two matches already, and we have another coming up this Wednesday!




Yesterday's match day was busy and booming at the bakery, with the team all singing and dancing.
Our friends at Soccer in the City brought their wonderful David Bowie tribute banner along too, which was a great talking point!



As well as that, we've had another of our design meetings, and we were happy to see a few new faces!
Everybody is welcome to come along to these meetings and have their say about what they'd like to see in our high street.

The picture above shows what Architectural Emporium have been working on. There are more design pictures to be seen over at our Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/HomebakedA/posts/921563674605406), so please have a look through the gallery and "like" which ones you're most keen on!


Sound City shared this photograph from when we were on the good ship Kaskelot last year - we're very excited for this year's Sound City, not to mention the year to come in general.

We've got a lot of new things coming up that we're buzzing about!


Not to mention the next Cake Club!
The theme is 'New Year, New Recipes'. Put yourself to the test by baking something you've not tried before.
Or, even if you don't bake yourself, you are more than welcome to come and join us!
It's a great group, and always a great night. Since Grace started it early last year, it's really come on and our small group is growing each month.
Plus, cake! What's not to like?

We are also hoping to host another theme night sometime soon this year, for those out there who would like to try their hand at writing (prose, poetry and flash fiction!). If you're interested in that, please let us know via Facebook or Twitter (I'll be the one running it, so please feel free to add me on twitter too if you'd like to express interest or find out a little more:https://twitter.com/twinklestah)


As far as the day to day life at the bakery goes, we've got a couple of new things to shout about there too!
We've started to serve Scouse by the bowl. It's £ 3.00 to take away, or £ 3.50 for a larger bowl to eat in, and you'll get one of our delicious crusty cobs with it too.
As well as Scouse, we're now serving sausages as part of our hot sandwich range, so you can get a sausage on toast in the morning for brekky as well as our standard bacon, cheese and tuna melts!
£ 2.50 for sausage on toast, or £ 3.00 for bacon and sausage.

Look out on our social media also for our new Instagram, which will be launching very soon.

Thanks for the continued support in 2016 - and again, happy new year!


Inspirational Architecture: A Walking Tour & Workshop


The Thing On the Rec