Homebaked, in The Guardian

‘This is not about gentrification’: the pie shop reviving an Anfield street

As Liverpool FC’s Anfield stadium gleams in the April sunshine, the abandoned, steel-shuttered houses cowering in its shadow serve as a poignant reminder of the impact developments can have on their host communities.

But in the unassuming bakery at the end of the terrace lies the heart of a movement working to transform this run-down area back into the vibrant neighbourhood residents remember.

The Homebaked cooperative bakery is in prime position to sell pies to some of the 40,000 football fans who come to the Anfield stadium on an average match day. What its customers might not realise is that in the back room of the Victorian premises a group of locals have cooked up a plan to transform the empty properties next door into 26 high-quality, affordable flats….

Read the full article at https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2017/apr/19/gentrification-liverpool-anfield-football-stadium-affordable-homes-cooperative-bakery-community


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